Un esperimento editoriale, un invito a considerare un tema di lavoro collettivo senza far riferimento per forza ad un testo da pubblicare, i risultati sono collezionati in una pubblicazione cartacea che poi si trasformerà in una mostra itinerante ed in un'archivio aperto, una forma di blog reale e condiviso tra più autori. Ho partecipato con piacere con un saggio per immagini create o modificate per aderire al tema di lavoro collettivo. Considerando, come faccio da molto tempo, Roma come un modello di lavoro.
Il risultato  lo potete giudicare voi stessi ordinando una copia.

Bartlebooth n.4
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da un idea di Luis Armas Sar, Rafael Cubillo Bravo, Antonio Giráldez López, Begoña Hermida Castro y Pablo Ibañez.

Is it possible to map the present using obsolete or anachronic mechanisms? Are we able to understand the contemporaneous using a preterite element as methodology? If we understand History not as a merely documentary element, but as a propositive and active tool, we will be able to bring past elements to present to project the future (if it has been any difference between these three conditions). This notion of the Now, not as an epitelial condition, but as a everchanging reality with deep roots in History is the only one which can extract as methodology a series of concepts and values: The Ancient Rome and its forty Virtues.

Through forty abstract concepts, forty values, the roman society and its inhabitants, they were able to recognize and identify themeselves in the public and private scope. This attributes used to serve not only as a model that need to be emulated, also allow us to explain and understand the society that the Virtues pretended to configure. Are they still present in our society? Do we need to reformulate them? Our position is clear, even as a partial recognition, or totally antagonic, the Virtues are present enough to catalize a series of dissertations about contemporaneity, one by Virtue. 

Contributions by Archive of Affinities, Jose Manuel López Ujaque, Rafael Hernández, Léopold Lambert, Jorge Rodriguez Seoane, Iago Valverde, Jorge F. Cuadal (Calle), Pedro Pitarch, Borja López Cotelo + María Olmo, Jaume Prat, Omar Curros, Ruohong Wu, n’Undo, Carlos Pita, Jorge Meijide, Fanzine de Arquitectura Ibérica, Luis Gil Pita y Cristina Nieto, Verónica Francés, Concepción García, Tatiana Poggi, Adrián González del Campo, J.R Alonso Pereira, Ana Melgarejo, Fernando Castro Flórez, Ergosfera, Virginia de Diego, Tono Mejuto, Joana Covelo, Miguel Mesa del Castillo, Luca Galofaro, Jaime Sanz Haro, Sol89, David Bestué, João Rosmaninho, Lucía Jalón, Concha Lapayese, Juan Paulo Alarcón, Joaquín García Vicente, Arturo Franco and Carlos Quintans.